Sunday, December 7, 2008

My name is Carter...

I love fast and testimony meetings. Today while the bishop was bearing his testimony, Carter leans over to me, "mommy...mommy..." I tell him I'm trying to listen to the bishop. He then goes to daddy who listens. I hear him saying something about bearing his tesimony and Brady says he needs to do it all by himself which Carter says, "okay. Can I go up now?" When the bishop is done, Carter marches his little four year old self straight up to the microphone in front of the whole congregetion. They lower the pulpit for him and get him a stool. Brady and I look at each other like what are we supposed to do? Go up with him? Stay put? We don't move. Once Carter is up there and situation on the stool, you can just see his little face barely over the pulpit. He says, "My name is Carter. When I was in Idaho, we went to the temple, in Idaho and I got to go inside the temple and I felt the spirit. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen." He smiles real big and marches on back to our seat. I, or course have tears running down my face. Now he's the big boy and I'm the baby. :)
"I have no greater joy than this, to see my children walk in truth..."


Brady said...

Wow honey. This really is turning into the daily Darringtons. I'm glad one of us is a dedicated blogger to record some sort of family history. You are an amazing woman and mean the world to your boys and I. We love and adore you for all of the good you teach us.

ashley said...


And yes, daily Darrington's is true! Atta girl! I love reading up on you guys. Will we ever be neighbors so that I can just come over for you to keep me updated????

Three Men and a Lady (plus a baby) said...

I know it...move here already!

Stephanie B said...

That is such a sweet story. What a proud moment.