Sunday, November 15, 2009


Tonight while putting Bryce to bed, he said he was scared of "ghost-ez." I tried to reassure him that ghosts were not real and that Carter was in the next room and mommy and daddy would be right down stairs. He could always say a prayer to Heavenly Father who would help him feel safe. Bryce said, "let's do that right now. I'll say it first, then you have a turn mommy." He got out of bed and knelt next to it and asked Heavenly Father to make him "not scared of ghost-ez and feel love in his heart." Then he said it was my turn. What a sweet boy and what faith. Again, another testimony builder that we should truly all become as little children. Sometimes I wonder who teaches who more in this family because I learn so much from my children about unwavering faith and trust in the Lord time and time again. Thank you boys for your testimony and example. I am so blessed.

1 comment:

Doty6strong said...

hehe..that's what I do when I'm scared of ghosts too. Prayer works even for big kids :)