Bryce is one funny kid. Things he says just crack me up. His nickname has been Brycie since he was a baby and gradually became Brycie-boo, and then that graduated into Brycie boo-boo (a nickname my mom gave him b/c he always has a bruise, cut or bump on the head from all his "adventures"). So now sometimes for short we just call him boo or boo-boo. Anyways, thought I'd explain the title. Back to my funny little boy. He is always saying things that make me and those around him laugh. This is not funny to him though. When people laugh, he gets a serious scowl and asks (especially my mom)"why you always laugh at me??" I always tell him b/c he is so cute or because I'm happy and when I'm happy, I sometimes laugh. He is still not amused with our amusement.
I wish I did a better job writing down everything he says, but for now a couple things I remember I'll write here.
Of course boo-boo is always getting hurt b/c he is so fearless on his bike, scooter, running, or whatever else he happens to be climbing on of jumping off of. He ended up getting a little cut on his pointer finger below the joint and above the knuckle. On the left hand he has a hemangeoma (red birthmark) that we call his birthmark. When getting this cut, he was so distraught, not b/c it hurt but he worriedly cried out, "oh no!!! Mommy, look! My birthmark is ruined!" And he started to cry. I grabbed his other hand, put it in front of his face to show him it was on the other hand the whole time, and he looks at it says, "oh" and laughs.
After the dentist the other day, Bryce said he wanted to go back to the dentist b/c he wanted another prize from the box. What kid would do the dentist thing again for a cheap plastic frog? Probably the same one who wanted to get a shot last time we were at the doctors so he could get a dum-dum lolipop. Anyways, I asked him if he liked the dentist and he said he did, he just didn't like the vaccuum they stuck in his mouth.
The past little bit, we've been trying to memorize scriptures as a family. The bishop (my dad) invites the primary children to his office after church one at a time to share a scripture, article of faith or act of service they did that week. (Oh, and they get a piece of candy too). This past week we did a scripture from proverbs, "There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." We talked about what that meant- how Christ is always there even if our family and brother is not and how he will never leave us and although we can't see him, we know he is there and 'sticks' by us.
Anyways, Bryce always quotes it (and sings it- b/c these scriptures are part of hide em in your heart which puts scripture to music), even after going over it with him quizzing him "who is that friend in the scripture?" "Jesus!" And thinking he understood it, he asks me a few days ago, why is the friend made of sticks??"
Even today I hear him singing around the house, "there is a friend, made of sticks..."
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