Well just sent off a part of my heart to kindergarten. I can't believe that Carter started school today and although I'm happy and excited for him, I can't help but be a sad for myself. I know, it's not like I'm sending him off to college or anything, but it still feels somehow that this is the beginning of the end. He is in the 'system' now. I won't have the majority of his time anymore. I know that this is part of learning and growing (for both of us) and a good and necessary thing. However, sometimes people have growing pains and I guess that is what I've having right now in the pit of my stomach and my heart.
I am just so happy that he was excited this morning and smiling. He is decked out in Spider-man with his backpack, lunchbox and water bottle. He seems ready for this new adventure and I'm so grateful for that. Hopefully I'll feel ready soon- is it 4:00pm yet?
Play by play of Carter's morning on the first day of school...
Tying his shoes getting ready to leave to catch the (gulp) bus.
Not pictured:
Mom giving several hugs, kisses and waving probably a little too enthusiastically with a big ole over excited smile plastered to my face before coming home, turning on a movie for Bryce to collect my thoughts/feelings and answering the question asked by Brady "what do you need?" by tearfully saying, "I need to hold Carter" and thinking "and never let him go."
Growing pains. A good, needed, painful thing.