Monday, August 3, 2009

Funny boys...

Maybe I'm a bit biased, but I think my kids are the funniest kids ever. They say the funniest things.
Bryce while grocery shopping, tripped over his own feet because he rarely walks- he runs, gallops, jumps or skips. Poor thing landed smack on his belly with his little hands smacking the ground by his face. I go to help him up and he looks at me and says with a smile and little embarrassed giggle, "Woah! That hurt my baby! My need to be careful" and rubbed his belly.

And I don't know why but Bryce seems obsessed with death. When I say something like, "be careful Bryce, I don't want you to get hurt" when he's from the coffee table to the couch or something like that, he replies, "yeah, my probably die." Almost EVERY time. Maybe b/c his little friend hamster who lives down the street just died, but I think he said it before that. Sometimes after saying, "yeah, my probably die", he says, "You want me to die mommy? Yes or no?" My reply always the same, although now without the horrified feeling I used to feel at such a morbid question which is, "of course not Bryce. I love you and don't want you to die." I tell him that we have rules, etc to keep him safe because I love him so much I don't want him to get hurt- and especially not die.
It's just so weird how non-chalantley he says it like, "do you like ice cream? Yes or no?" Yesterday my friends neighbor was mowing the lawn without any shoes on and I made a comment without thinking to my friend about how he could cut his toes off and how dangerous that is. Bryce overheard and said, "that'd be sad mommy, then he have no feet and not walk and probably die."
Kids say the darnedest things! I have to say though, now hearing him say stuff like that all the time kind of makes me chuckle inside- yeah, now who's the morbid one??

1 comment:

Emily Petty said...

well, you may be biased - but I think Bryce sounds pretty funny too!