Monday, June 28, 2010


Carter thinks so deeply about things which of course result in a lot of questions, many of which I can't answer.
Tonight it was about the Resurrection.
Carter: "mommy if everyone and everything is resurrected, what about dinosaurs? What about T-rex's?"
Me: Yes, Dinosaurs will be resurrected too.
Carter: (worried expression)
Me: But in the scriptures it says that the 'lamb and the lion shall lie down together without any ire.' Do you know what that means?
Carter: No.
Me: It means that all the people and animals resurrected will get along and be happy. Usually lions eat lambs, but after we are resurrected, no one eats anyone. No one gets hurt, everyone is happy and gets along. In fact, maybe I'll take a ride on a t-rex.
Carter: But, even if they don't eat anyone, they are still so big. They will step on things on accident. Like buildings. They will crush all the buildings.
Me: I don't know how it all works out honey. I don't know if there will be buildings, or if all the people are together, and the dinosaurs are separate... But do you know what I do when I don't understand things?
Carter: Pray.
Me: Yes, you are right. We can always pray. And even if we don't get the answer, we can pray for peace and just to not worry about it. We can also have faith. Do you know what that means?
Carter: (shakes his head with tired, rolling eyes)
Me: To just trust in God even though we don't know everything. I know that God knows everything and has a plan. So, some things I don't need to worry about because I know He will take care of it. I just know we'll all be happy.
Carter: Did you know that some people pray all day?
Me: Like Enoch in the scriptures?
Carter: yes. Maybe some people here too.
Me: Maybe. I've never met anyone who has prayed all day long before though.
Carter: Me either. So does that mean they can't get a drink or something to eat because they are busy praying or can they take a break?
Me: I'm not sure how it works. I like to keep a prayer in my heart all day so it's like praying all day.
Carter: How do you do that?

And so it continues...

This morning it was, "did God really take a rib out of Adams side to make Eve? Good think I actually knew the answer to that one. And that was following the question "can boys marry boys and girls marry girls?"

Later it was, "will _______ ever get a blessing? (Dad is not a member of the church. And then "How?" And then, "what if she doesn't have Home teachers?

Carter, my sweet boy. I hope you always come to me with your questions, even if I don't always have all the answers. I love you and your questions. :)

1 comment:

Ashley said...

My gosh, where does he come up with all of that? He sounds like a 16 year old. But much more sweet! I can't even believe that. Sweet little buddy.....keep on asking.