Poor Bryce has been sick for a couple days with a stomach bug or something. He spiked a fever at my parents Sunday night and proceeded to throw up through the night. I became part of a bedtime sandwich as he was in and out of our bed all night... climbing in on my side, squeezing me in the middle between him and Brady.
He ended up wetting our bed, throwing up the next night, and maintaining his fever. (104). He cries every few minutes wanting me to make his belly stop hurting and I totally would if I could! Now it's coming from both ends...
I feel bad for him... and myself too. I'm got a queasy stomach as well and it's just tiring not feeling well yourself, exhausted and caring for one sick and two well children. I sat down this afternoon on our second full day (has it really only been 2 days?) and wrote this poem to the tune of "My favorite Things..." It helps to find humor in these "fun" times. Enjoy!
Vomit on carpet at midnight that first day...
followed by crying, whens it going to be May?
Back aches and fever and crying some more...
vomit again by my bedroom door.
Up every hour to whining and moving,
snoring by husband- man, now we are grooving!
Wake to soaked bedsheets by boy not the man,
stomach still hurting, go and sit on the can.
Didn't quite make it, now floor is unclean,
so are the blankets, we'll need the machine.
Gross yellow splatter appears on the wall,
Diarrhea everywhere - oh what a ball!
When your son cries,
when he pukes too,
when he's feeling sad...
I simply remember how much I love him,
and then I don't feel so bad (or mad)!
Poor sick kid! I hope he is feeling better! He is just a sweet boy! Love the poem/song!
Sooo very sorry! I despise the stomach flu. Hope he gets well so and the rest of you stay well!!! Your poem is hilarious!
Oops..this is Andrea. I must be logged into Carl's account....
Oh dear! Hang in there.
That's hilarious....and sad all at the same time. Sick kiddos are the worst!!
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