Monday, September 29, 2008
Jesus take the wheel...
Thursday, September 25, 2008
You know it's never good when someone starts a sentence, "now don't take offesnse..."
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Happy Birthday Bryce!
Bryce enjoying the view from the train....
Decided he wanted a little more comfort and sat on daddy's lap.
Just resting his head...
Birthday boy...all partied out! Once the birthday boy is asleep, time to go, the party is over. :)
He fell into a deep sleep in a matter of 5 minutes. I guess it's his party...he can sleep if he wants to. Hey, they should make a song like that...
We were blessed with nice weather (well, I guess that's was really hot and humid, but at least it wasn't raining) and had a great time. It was a perfect little family party with our little family, my mom (dad was at a conference), and my sister with her husband and four kids.
We are SO blessed to have our little Brycie. He constantly keeps us laughing and moving (he never sits still)! He is just so beautiful with his blonde hair and bright blue eyes and eyelashes that go on forever. He crinkles his little nose when he laughs or smiles big (I hear I do the same thing). He is for the most part an easy going kid who rarely cries unless he is really hurt, or his feelings are hurt. Other than "neighs" and "choo-choos" he loves popsicles, playing with his brother, cars, boats, airplanes and riding his three wheeled scooter. He's a coordinated little guy! He mostly loves to run and climb. Anywhere and on anything. He enjoys climbing on and jumping off beds, couches, and likes to pull everything out of the freezer and fridge and then say "uh-oh." He is speaking very well, and loves to sing. I love it when he says " I love you" and anything that has my name in it. He is a kid who likes to be barefoot and whenever we're in the cars asks, "shoes mommy?" asking if it's okay to take them off. He loves and needs his sheepie to sleep with along with his blankie (made by grandma Darrington), neigh -stuffed horse, stuffed pig, elmo, and his little "ee-oo" which is a beanie baby monkey that is a smaller version of Carters. There is barely enough room for Bryce in the crib! He has great manners at such a young age always saying "doo-doo mommy" (thank-you) when I serve him his meal or hand him a toy. He is such a joy to our family. He loves to sing and does a great "Jesus wants me for a sunbeam" especially loud at the BEAM part. We sing him, "As I have loved you every time he goes to bed for nap/bedtime so he sings that as well. He loves "Wheels on the Bus" especially the people going 'bump, bump, bump' and the mommy saying 'shh...shhh...shhh." He likes a little rhyme about bees and a beehive. I'll have to record it and post it sometime. It's too cute. He can count to 11 or 12 now. He has been potty-training for about 4 months now and mostly goes poo in the toilet which is really nice for me (unless we're out in public, then I have a panic attack thinking on all the gross, disgusting things that are now on my sweet boys bum). I know I'm weird. Nicknames include: Brycie, B-man (daddy's nicck name) and za-boo-goo or za-boogie, boogie boy or just boogie for short. Yeah, I don't know why...:)
He always wants to be where Carter is and loves it when daddy comes home running to the door alongside Carter screaming excitedly "daddy!" And when anyone leaves, he stands by the window, opens it, waves and shouts "bye daddy!!!!" or whoever is leaving at the time.
My attempt to make a "choo-choo" cake with "neighs" grazing in the field of sprinkles along side a "she-she" (sheepy).
"Weee...hun!" (fun)
Bryce opening the present Carter got him. He picked it out himself and even paid some of his money to help buy it. Sweet boy. I don't know who is more excited, Carter or Bryce! :)
Checking out the frog cousin Eliza caught
Frisbee Fun!
Go neigh Go!
Hi mommy!
Party with the cousins!
I love being a mom to both my sweet boys. On Bryce's birthday, I just feel so grateful he is in our family and I get the priveledge of being his mother. Happy Birthday Baby Boy!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008
First day of school!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Summer Fun- Deep Creek Lake
We had a wonderful summer and I'm both excited and sad to see it coming to an end. We went to Deep Creek Lake a few times with family, and once with friends to water ski, tube and ride the mountain coaster. It's so beautiful there and the kids absolutely love it. The house has it all- the lake right in the backyard, little kidney shaped pool for cool or rainy days, hot tub outside, and a 9 hole and mini golf course for the homeowners in the community to use. And at the "mountains" (I know family in Idaho will get a kick out of that since they are more like "hills" to them) so close by- the mountain coaster is great! It is like an alpine slide and goes so fast. Our boys are daredevils. Boating to get ice cream at the local creamery is also a favorite and a must everyday. Yes, EVERY day! YUMMY!
We rode our bikes to mini-golf and Carter wanted to golf with his helmet on.
After years of waterskiing, and starting on two ski's, then dropping one to ski slolom (don't know how it's spelled) ...last year, the dropped ski was never recovered. We boated everywhere, but a shark must have drug it under or something b/c it vanished. Those were the same pair of ski's I've used since high school and now one was missing. So, the moral of the story is, my parents forbade me from dropping and said if I wanted to slolum (maybe it's spelled with a u????) then I would have to get up on one. BLAH! I remembered doing that in high school- once. There was a reason it was only once. It took me what seemed like forever to get up and when I did I had water in my eyes and nose. However, that was the new on a cold, dark and dizzly day in July....(seriously, it was- hence the wetsuit) I decided to give it a go. My mom said to give it three times until I quit. So I did and lo and behold I did it! On the third try of course. Just as I had remembered, water was in my nose and eyes, but I did it! I was so proud, and tired, but mostly proud, or maybe tired. Ok, it was a tie.
So it was fouth of July which of course means fireworks. We went this weekend with my mom, dad, and little brother Brian. Brian had a whole box of them. Safe. Especially for a 1 & 1/2 and 4 year old who think loud noise, bright colors and fire are some of the coolest things ever! It was a rainy few days which I mentioned earlier so that made me feel a little better about the illegality of it all. Wet ground and trees and fire don't mix right? I was hoping not.
The boys had a fun time with their little poppers they threw on the ground and sparklers and were content looking through the box and handing Uncle Brian the next firework once he shot one off. We then went out on the boat to see the big firework show they display from Wisp- the ski resort AKA location of the mountain coaster, but when we were almost there, police informed us they were cancelled b/c of rain and would be shot off tomorrow evening. But with a bunch of houses surrounding the lake shooting off their own fireworks, we decided to go ahead and anchor and watch everyone elses shows from all around us. That was lots of fun!Daddy with Bryce playing with his now finished sparkler....he's not so sure about it. :)
Carter, ee-oo and sparkler fun!
Clapping at the firework displays. Me, Carter, Grandma Petersen, and Bryce.
Rain or shine...boating for ice cream is a must! What a great make-shift tarp/roof thing grandpa and brady made! Worked well.
Daddy with Bryce
Grandma and Carter on the tubing raft, in the pool with their clothes on.
The next night, on July 5th, they rescheduled the fireworks and because my parents went home that morning, we went to see fireworks out of the trunk of our SUV after stopping by "Candyland" for treat and candy necklaces (We don't have a boating liscense or we would have taken the boat again).
That was our 4th of July long weekend to the "lakehouse" as Carter calls it. We love it there!
Oh well, my kids are actually playing well together for the moment so I thought I'd take a couple of my own to blog. Because that's what blog-aholics do. They blog. Even if there is nothing to say. :) I just read an old friends blog who spoke about the joys of potty training and it reminded me of my morning. Bryce came up to me and said, "mommy's poo" which means one of two things, 1-he has to poo and wants to use the toilet to do so, or -2- he wants to play in the toilet. Unfortunately Bryce has been found a time or two dipping a cup in the toilet water and drinking it, and/or dipping his toothbrush in the toilet before brushing his teeth with it. (What's a kid to do when he can't reach the sink and needs a drink or has a strong desire to brush his teeth? )
Well, I took off his diaper and he ran to the bathroom and climbed on the toilet. Ok, choice one I thought. However, when going back to the kitchen to do dishes b/c he insists on having his "see-see" AKA - I need my "privacy" next thing I know he brings his big stuffed animal bear out to me and says, "bee poo" AKA bear poo. I tell him calmly that bears don't poo in toilets as I wring out poor bears legs which had been shoved in the toilet. (This is not your average small bear, as a matter of fact, he is named "big bear" ). I clean up the trail of toilet water that big bear has left on the floor as he was carried to me. While I am busy doing that, Bryce decides he still needs to poo.... which he does....on the carpet. Excellent.
So now when I hear "mommy...poo" I'll know this can mean one of three things - 1- Bryce has to poo and wants to use the toilet to do so -2- he wants to play in the toilet and -3- a stuffed animal is going to be shoved in the toilet. We'll, I guess we learn something new everyday.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Ramblings of a happy, but tired mother
We had a great labor day today. I love it when we are all home as a family and don't have anywhere we HAVE to be. We started out the day (which was beautiful) picking peaches at lariland farm. The peaches were so good. Carter loved to climb the trees and pick the ones up high. Bryce likes to eat the peaches that had already fallen to the ground and were half smashed, crawled on by bugs or both. After that observation, I made sure I gave him a peach and when he finished that one, I gave him the next to avoid him finding his own. (I wonder why he has diarrea tonight...hmmmmm). Anyway, it was a lot of fun. Turns out however, I'm allergic to peach picking. Seriously. No, not peaches themselves. I can eat as many as I want, but picking them for some reason gave me a red rash all up and down my arms and on my chest and face where I scratched. It burned! And itched. But more burned. Good times. As soon as I learn how to dowload pics, I'll show you.
Now I just feel stupid for posting this b/c you can't even see anything! But if you have the power of zooming in, do so and you'll see a bunch of tiny dots on my forearms that got worse on my upper arms. Oh well, you'll just have to take my word for it....
Bryce doing what he does best....eating!
After the parade, we came home and Bryce and Brady took a nap and Carter and I cleaned the house and went over to my parents to store some things in their attic b/c they have so much more storage space than us! (Just so happens whenever I go over there to store things, like a high chair, outgrown baby clothes, etc, they happen to be out of town. Coincidence? Hmmm... I'll let you make your own conclusions, but I hope that they aren't reading this. :)
An hr and a half later, we (Carter and I) woke up the others and went to Longwood rec center to play cricket with some friends from our church and have a potluck. It was fun. Brady was the cricket player and I got to play mom. Which was just fine. The kids had a great time running around the open field and getting their energy all out (b/c we had had such a boring day and all). :) We really have to get one of those....fields I mean. Our boys sure love to run. This brings up another topic.....did you know they make little mini treadmills that work on toddler power? Really, your kid just gets on and runs. It looks just like a treadmill, just much smaller, pastel, and without any electronics involved. Love it! Got it from a kind freecycler. This brings me to another topic. Freecycle. Love it. Maybe even addicted to it. I just can't seem to get enough free stuff. Like the treadmill, the elephant watering can- which of course is a must, neck pillow, small alarm clock, toy boats, kid shovels to help me garden, bag for balls to be stored in, small soccer ball, "happy halloween" banner, and cookie cutters. This my friends was collected in two days. But, in turn I offer things too! So, that means it's okay right, if I get rid of my junk to collect another persons? Yep, I think so too. My name is Christy and I'm a freecycle-aholic. But to be fair, I've gone a few weeks without collecting any freebies so I'm entitled to one crazy overdone weekend right? And I promise to use all I have aquired. (this is the pledge I make Brady when he looks at me with "the look" as I leave ever so casually to pick up "something from freecycle.")
Speaking of my sweet husband I think he is alseep already (only 10:15pm) and I think I'll join him. (I took tylenol pm two hours ago to kill the stupid headache from the stupid never ending fire engines). So, I'll see you in another few months, unless I learn to download pics for real this time.