Friday, December 12, 2008

Rainy Thursdays...

It's been raining here for the past few days and one of those days happened to be yesterday...a Thursday. Thursday mornings are my mornings to teach Pilates in Rockville (20 minute drive) and I watch my friends two kids. A one year old boy, and four year old girl. So, I have 4 kids 4 and under driving to Rockville and it's raining. The rain itself doesn't bother me. But when there is never any parking at this gym and I have to park so far away with 4 kids AND it's raining, it makes me a little cranky. So, I give the diaper bag to one 4 year old, the other gets to hold my water, and I carry the 1 year old and 2 year old in each arm. Keep in mind it's raining. No, not even's pouring and the old man is snoring. Seriously dark and pouring. Worried that someone is going to get hit by a car we always rush in after exiting the car, not looking back, but all around me to make sure my flock is safe and not getting any wetter than usual. We did it....we're in. Then it's getting coats off, and shoes back on (Bryce insists on kicking off his shoes AND socks EVERY SINGLE time we get in the car), sign them in, give hugs and kisses, say goodbye and I make my way up the stairs to each in just enough time.
Beginning the class I hear over the intercom, "is there a fitness first member with a blue SUV?" Crap. I'm sure one of the kids left a door open or something and my car is getting soaked or even worse, the purse, GPS, and cell phone that is sitting on the passenger seat are stolen. Not that anyone would even see it covered in preschool projects, old snacks, sippie cups and the bag I've been meaning to drop off at the thrift store for the past two weeks.
I tell my class I need to see what's going on and I"ll be right back. Just 25 people in there waiting for me is all....
I run down the stairs as the manager runs up asking me by name if that's my car. How odd I think that she would think it was mine. Did I really let on to the rest of the world that my life was so chaotic that it had to be me who was negligent enough to leave their car door wide open in the pouring rain?
Sure enough, there it was. My blue Toyota Highlander with the back door wide open. Everything was just as it should be although now the old cheerio crumbs were not crumbs but wet mush and the once dried finger paint on the preschool projects were wet and runny again, with an additional wet car seat and floor. Great. I can't wait to do it all over again when my class ends in an hour and I have to get them all back in. Seriously, I need to do the anti-rain dance Wednesday nights from now on. I'm done with the rain least on Thursdays.

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