Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Bad mom?

Is it wrong that I sent my boys to their rooms because they were not listening to me (repeatedly)or staying on time out when placed there? No, not that part of it, but the part that I am listening to them open their doors which are next to each other, laugh to one another and slam their own doors, and then repeat the action? (Now screaming happily and laughing to one another) and I don't care? That I don't go up there and do anything about it because they are out of my hair so I can fix dinner? Entertaining themselves in ONE place, not jumping onto or off anything, getting into toothpaste, opening medicine cabinets... They are actually getting along with each other at my expense? Is it bad I'm fine with that for now? I've already said, "time out doesn't start until you are in your own rooms quiet..."
Ok, now it's getting annoying, they are coming to the top of the stairs yelling down, at me (just loud monotone sound), laughing and closing their respective doors (loudly). Now they are at the stair landing and yelled and just ran up. I just screamed up, "stop screaming! go to your rooms!"
Ok, fine. I just answered my own question. I'll go reinforce now. You win, whatever. Is it bed time yet?

1 comment:

Terri said...

You crack me up. Answer to your question "Bad mom?" Definately not. Even moms need a break. You are a wonderful mom.