Sunday, February 15, 2009

Who will I marry?

The previous post reminded me of something that happened a few months ago. Carter and I were snuggling and talking. The conversations went something like this:
Carter: Who am I going to marry when I get big?
Me: Whomever you chose. - I give him some adjectives of what that person may be like (ex. kind to others, happy, funny, has a testimony, someone who shares...)
Carter: I want to marry you.
Me: That's sweet but I'm already married to daddy.
Carter: Then I'll just steal you from him.

1 comment:

Emily Petty said...

WHat cute posts Christy! I love the picture of Byrce glaring from the flour. And Carter's comments about getting married/mission are so darling. I remember telling my Mom when I was about his age that I would never go to college and leave her.