Wednesday, February 4, 2009

"I'm really sorry..."

We're making cookies for FHE tonight and I gave Carter the beaters to eat. I went upstairs to record American Idol to watch it when the kids are in bed. (I know, I'm a teeny bopper at heart). I come back downstairs with Carter getting out his crayons and notepad. He looks up at me with sad eyes and says, "mommy, I'm really sorry." He looks like he is going to cry. I kneel next to him and say, "what for?" He says, "I'm really sorry. I was going to write you an I'm sorry note, but since you're here, I'm just telling you." "Ok..." I say. He goes on, "when you were upstairs, I ate two bites of the dough without asking you and I'm really sorry." I rub his back, give him a hug and kiss, and tell him I forgive him and it's okay. I appreciate his honesty, but it's fine. What a sweetheart. He's got quite the conscience!
So funny how I can go from ups (like now) feelings so much love and admiration for my kids from the downs (previous post a few hrs ago). This parenting thing is quite the emotional roller-coaster ride! But I love it and feel so blessed to be the mommy- even when my kids drive me nuts at times.


ashley said...

Awwww, that melted my heart. What a tender little kid.

And why does the previous post make me smile???? Because I am constantly weighing out my actions throughout the day.....does this make me a bad mom? Will Elli remember this when she's older? Would I act the same way if company were in the room? Should I pretend that I just didn't see that?


Unknown said...

Christy, I need to tune into your blog weekly, I sat down and read everything for the past couple of months. I enjoy reading all your stories and adventures. Also the 25 things about you. I think I did know several of them already. Your doing a great job as a wife and mother. The joy of raising children continues as you see your children become parents. And watching your grandchildren grow. I feel so blessed to see them being raised by rightious parents. Love Mom

Emily Petty said...

Wow - I completely relate with your last 2 posts and Ashley's comment- that's exactly how I've felt lately - definitely a roller coaster!

Mandee said...

Let's hope that level of remorse sticks with him through the teenage years! And by the way...I record American Idol too!