Thursday, February 19, 2009

Pilates faux pas

So in my class tonight, I am preparing them to do shoulder bridge, an exercise where most your weight is on your heels boosted up to the ceiling. There was a new student in the class and I said to her "you'll want to take your socks off so you don't slip" and looked right at her. She still didn't take off her socks. I go over to her and say it again and she says, "I can't, I have a fungus on my foot." I say (without thinking), "oh yeah, leave them on then" inserting my non-fungus foot into my mouth. People start kind of snickering and chuckling. Think I'll see her next week? Not betting on it...


Mandee said...

Not a Faux Pas at all! I am sure all the rest of your students were VERY THANKFUL you said what you said! I know I would have been.

ashley said...

Oh yuck......but what SHOULD you say at that point. "Oh, shucks, that's too bad." "Uh, gross." "Darn, how'd that happen." Awkward no matter what.

Three Men and a Lady (plus a baby) said...

It's not even so much that I said, "yeah, leave them on" as much as making such a point of telling her to take them off more than once. Obviously she had a good reason!