Carter this past Sunday had the opening prayer for Primary in sharing time. He was so cute, up there in his little shirt and tie folding his arms, bowing his head and closing his eyes. He said, "...thank you for this day, and for primary. Thank you for my Christmas presents..."
The other thing he did this week was go to a batman birthday party which was really cute. They got masks and capes and for the entire day after he wore it.
Carter has a great imagination and is so creative. He has been making "books" for the past month or so, drawing pictures or writing random letters on pages and stapling them together. He decided to open his own library and send out invitations for people to come. On the way home from the library this week Carter says, "mommy, when you and daddy save enough money to buy a bigger house, can I just keep our old one and turn it into a library? You can come visit if you want." He is collecting boxes to organize his books. One for "sad" books. (He's been drawing Dumbo pictures when Jumbo, Dumbo's mom gets locked up). He draws tears on the cover to distinguish that it belongs in the "sad" box. Happy faces for the happy box, and black for the "scary" books like ghosts and monsters. He is a bit distressed because I won't let him have the entire basement to put his boxes of books. He constantly goes around looking and observing different things to write/draw books about. Potatoes, light switches, bushes, trains, shadows... anything and everything.
Bryce spent the week getting into things and jumping off of things. (Why do I get the sneaky suspicion that all of Bryce's weekly updates will begin that same way?)
We have a stamp pad stain on our couch, marker on the floor, half a gallon of milk spilled because "me do it" and he now jumps from our coffee table on to the couch and off the windowsill onto the floor (instead of the softer, not quite as far down couch). If they made padded houses, I'd buy one. In fact, at occupational therapy this past week with Ms. Tracey, he moved into the "big room" with the cheese mat to climb up, the ball pit, tubes and rope to exercise and strengthen his arm. When Ms. Tracey asks me with a bit of sweat on her brow, "is he always this active?" My response is a calm, "yes." I stand there watching her chase after him and feel validated that I am allowed to be exhausted at the end of the morning and so ready for nap time each afternoon. And again at the end of the day so ready for bed. Watching Ms. Tracey chase him up the cheese mat mountain but not being able to grab him in time before he jumps into the pit of plastic balls and climbs out head first onto the trampoline, I hear her say, "oh, you'll be back won't you?!" as she give him a hug. I joke with her and say, "yeah, we just want to keep you in business in this tough economy." She says something like, "I'm sure with this one you will." Validated again, I smile, hug and kiss my little Brycie, throw his shoes in my purse b/c I know he won't hold still long enough for me to put them back on and even if he did, they'd be off as soon we got in the car. We wave goodbye and head home for a nap for both him and I. Something tells me, Ms. Tracey might need one too. :)
Your kids will love reading these stories about their daily antics when they are older - they are both hilarious! Carter reminds me a lot of the Christy I played imagination games with as a girl.
so glad to hear others are going thought the "me do it" struggle as well.
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